Kay ChornookKay Chornook was born in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, but as a teenager went to live amongst the rocks, trees and lakes of northern Quebec and Ontario.  She visited Monteverde, Costa Rica, as a volunteer in 1990, fell in love with the people and the rainforest, and has returned each year.  Ten years later, Kay moved back to Hamilton, an industrial city undergoing a vibrant artistic renaissance, and found herself enamored with her birthplace, so she stayed.

Walking with Wolf was created through a collaboration between Kay Chornook and Wolf Guindon, Quaker, father, pioneer & conservationist.  Wolf provided the stories, told to a tape recorder while walking through the jungle, and Kay put them to paper, adding her own observations, research, and commentary. Over seventeen years they worked together to record Wolf’s oral history and eventually produce this book, a labor of love that reflects their respect and concern for the future of our planet.

Kay has published numerous human interest articles for newspapers as well as contributed a chapter to Circles of Strength: Community Alternatives to Alienation, New Society Publishers, 1992.